Hearts of Hope gifts are delivered to tens of thousands of people every year. Our efforts mean so much to those who benefit from them. Below is an abbreviated sampling of the hundreds of “thank-you” notes we receive each year from recipients of our beautiful Hearts of Hope.
Tatiana, Thank you SO much for the beautiful Heart of Hope you painted. Your message of caring is so inspirational and that you love helping people makes you a VERY SPECIAL girl. Thank you again ! Patrice D
Hearts of Hope, It was great surprise to awaken in my least favorite place, a/k/a the hospital, to a handmade heart. This is quite awesome that a complete stranger would take time out during the holiday season so vets like me know people care. Keep up the awesome work it truly means a lot when you're not feeling well. Romeo B., Veteran
Carter, I am a 29 year breast cancer survivor with 4 grown sons. I noticed you are a Cub Scout. All my sons went thru scouting! Thank you for caring. Your heart is prominently displayed on a wall on our sun deck. Lorraine S.
Ryan, My heart melted when I read your note and held the heart you made. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Dawn E.
Caitlin, Your heart creation is appreciated more than I have words to express. I will deliver it to my husband who is in a nursing home and is seriously ill. This will be encouraging to him to keep trying to get well. Thank you and may God bless you! Anna F.
Emily, I got your heart and I think it's very pretty. My name is Madeline and my favorite animal is a monkey. I am 9 and in third grade. I live on Gould Farm in a house named Rosemary Cottage. Madeline R.

Our Recipients Are Grateful

Hearts of Hope is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation dedicated to "creating hope...one heart at a time" ©2016 Hearts of Hope Foundation, Inc.
Have a Question? Hearts of Hope • Post Office Box 366, Perkasie, PA 18944 • phone 973.224.6900 • email: info@ourheartsofhope.org

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