Consider Your Own Chapter

Chapter Formation
Forming a Chapter is rewarding in many ways. First, your area is highlighted as one that offers hope to people both locally as well as nationally. Each Chapter decides who will receive the beautiful creations made at each painting event and which organizations to highlight. Feedback is gathered by those who participate which makes each endeavor more meaningful to all.
Mostly - it’s fun! This is a great way for community members to get together to “pay it forward,” visit with each other and do good. Below is a brief outline of the corporate support you will receive as well as the month-to-month activities you and your participants will manage locally:
Corporate Support and Participation
• We will set up social media accounts for your Chapter
• We will assist with invitations to your events through Eventbrite
• We will provide flyers and other printed materials; e.g., signage, brochures, special events publications and
month-to-month printed materials related to painting events
• We will provide all materials you will need to host each painting event: unpainted hearts, brushes, paints,
message cards and log sheets
• We will provide all packaging materials you will need to complete your painted gifts: glaze, ribbons, HoH description
cards and gift bags
• We will arrange mentoring support from other Chapters
• Our Executive Director will attend events twice per year to highlight volunteer appreciation
Your Participation
• Determine venue, frequency of events and times for events
• Coordinate set up, on-going table monitoring during events and break down after every event
• Manage and store supplies; unpainted and painted hearts, paints, brushes, etc.
• Establish a social media representative to maintain continuous community presence of events and your
Chapter’s partnerships
• Provide community outreach; e.g., invite community groups to attend events. This is easily accomplished during
events as interest and excitement for the program grow
• Collect HoH donations during events and make deposits or send funds to HoH Corporation following each event
• Complete Hearts of Hope gifts after each event; i.e., glaze hearts, package gifts and coordinate
deliveries to final destinations
• HAVE FUN “Creating heart at a time.”TM
Hearts of Hope Foundation, Inc. Hearts of Hope Chapter TM Summary 973.224.6900

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