While her specific title is Director of Brand Development for Hearts of Hope, Shayna Peckham considers herself more of a translator and interpretive dancer. A 2013 graduate of the State University of New York at the College of Oneonta, Shayna spent most of her time in school consumed with volunteer work and the various causes she felt strongly about. While her coursework revolved around dietetics, she spent her free time engaged in student leadership positions with SUNY Oneonta's Colleges Against Cancer as well as the American Cancer Society's Relay For Life.
(continued from Staff and Board Page)
In college as well in her professional life, Shayna has worked her way up. Her early leadership opportunities allowed Shayna to not only spend her time dedicated to philanthropy, but to successfully position herself for a career in public service.
Shayna began her work with Hearts of Hope shortly after creating her first heart during SUNY's “Into the Streets” annual volunteer initiative. She began as a social media consultant and soon began focusing on marketing and social media in general. As the company's needs have shifted, so has Shayna's role.
Her early experience with collegiate non-profit leadership gave her a true understanding of how to connect with others. In her current role, she continues to connect in meaningful ways which benefit her organization. Most importantly, she has learned how to translate organizational goals and transform these, step by step, into “routines” that everyone can follow.
As Director of Brand Development, Shayna is a leader in the creation, design and presentation of the organization's brand and its service offerings.
Shayna Peckham, Director of Brand Development

Hearts of Hope is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation dedicated to "creating hope...one heart at a time" ©2016 Hearts of Hope Foundation, Inc.

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