Kristen Mattera / President of Newtown, CT Chapter
Kristen Mattera is the president of the Newtown, CT chapter of Hearts of Hope. Her passion for paying it forward is evident in her work to connect Hearts of Hope with other non-profits, coordinate the delivery of hearts, and plan and host the Newtown chapter's monthly painting events.
(continued from Staff and Board Page)
Kristen has been involved with Hearts of Hope since it came to Newtown, taking part in the initial delivery of 2,500 hearts that were sent to Newtown from all over the country following the tragic events at Sandy Hook School on December 14, 2012. Those hearts were hung and distributed around town, by Kristen's family and dozens of other individuals who believed in the power of kindness, for residents to wake up to on Valentine's Day 2013. That day inspired her to quickly take on a leadership role with the project, helping to form the first official chapter of the organization in the country in Newtown, CT.
Handling the logistics and planning, Kristen is responsible for coordinating the monthly Newtown events, each of which pay it forward to a different cause, location, or non-profit. In addition, she oversees the packaging and delivery of all the Hearts of Hope that are painted in town and maintains the chapter's presence on social media.
Kristen lives in Newtown, CT with her husband and three children. She enjoys cooking and baking, writing, visiting Disney, having her toes in the sand, and rooting for the Boston Red Sox.

Hearts of Hope is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation dedicated to "creating heart at a time" ©2016 Hearts of Hope Foundation, Inc.

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