“I live my life in widening circles that reach out across the world. I may not ever complete the last one, but I give myself to it. I have been circling for thousands of years and I still don't know - am I a falcon, a storm, or a great song?” Rilke
As a financial services representative, Donna believes her professional calling is a benefit to Hearts of Hope. Within her family and within her client's families, Donna has witnessed what the crises of health, loss and sometimes death can evoke.
(continued from Staff and Board Page)
This deeply personal understanding has shaped her service as a Hearts of Hope Board Member and engaged her desire to help those facing similar 'shattering' events.
Connecting and 'Making a Difference' are critical drivers for Donna's personal life, especially since she has many blessings regarding health, career, family and love.
Hearts of Hope has provided Donna an opportunity to give and enjoy this process. To make a clay heart from scratch, paint your very own creation, and know that someone, somewhere, might be encouraged or given new hope is simply a very powerful act. This is something that can be done again and again, spreading good within the community.
Donna believes that all of us become more alive when we give with and to others. She feels privileged to serve with the Board and is awed by the work done by the local Chapters.
She is proud of the organization's growth and wants to serve in your community too. She would be thrilled to meet over a heart painting party!
Donna serves in an officer position for the Hearts of Hope Board of Director. Her board role is Treasurer.
Donna Stone / Board of Directors, Treasurer

Hearts of Hope is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation dedicated to "creating hope...one heart at a time" ©2016 Hearts of Hope Foundation, Inc.

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