Staff and Board Bios (continued)

Shayna Peckham, Director of Brand Development
(continued from Staff and Board Page)
In both organizations Shayna worked her way up to the top, from simple volunteer to Event Chair (Relay For Life) and Chapter President (Colleges Against Cancer). These leadership opportunities allowed Shayna to not only spend her time dedicated to philanthropy but to also begin her illustrious career as an interpretive dancer of sorts. The “dance” she mastered was that of the overwhelmed, yet enthusiastic, leader. Diving headfirst into the unknown roles of non-profit leadership gave Shayna more of an understanding on just how to connect with others in a meaningful way to benefit her organization. Most importantly, she learned how to translate their organizational goals and transform them, step by step, into a “routine” that everyone could follow.
From all of her hardwork and dedication to creating an impact on her campus, Shayna was chosen to be a divisional collegiate leader and educator by the American Cancer Society. During her senior year, Shayna spent time advising Presidents and Event leaders across campuses throughout New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
As the President of Colleges Against Cancer, Shayna was to lead her volunteers in an annual community service project managed by the college. For this event, Shayna and her volunteers spent a day with Judy Pedersen, the Founder and Executive Director of Hearts of Hope. After immersing herself for a day in creating hearts, she realized that her passion and addiction to creating hope every day, did not have to end there.
Shayna worked with Hearts of Hope shortly after creating her first heart. She began as a social media consultant and soon began focusing on marketing and relations in general. As the company's needs have shifted so has Shayna's role to eventually becoming the Director of Branding.
Warren R. Neil, Jr., Board of Directors, Secretary
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Russ learned of Hearts of Hope Foundation, Inc. when he joined a Moving Forward Bereavement Support Program™ in New Jersey¹ following the loss of his wife of nearly 25 years. Helped markedly with bereavement, he learned firsthand how Hearts of Hope are gifted to persons affected by loss of many kinds and how these bring comfort and smiles when none seem possible.
Honored to later help to make Hearts of Hope, paint Hearts of Hope, gift Hearts of Hope and work with other volunteers to help achieve the all-important fundraising goals for growth of our 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity, Russ is a board member with endless energy.
Russ hopes to expand the circle for others on the Olympic Peninsula of Washington State.
¹ Moving Forward Bereavement Support Program™ was created by and is offered through Hearts of Hope Foundation, Inc.
Donna Stone, Board of Directors, Treasurer
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Hearts of Hope has provided Donna an opportunity to give and enjoy this process. To make a clay heart from scratch, paint your very own creation, and know that someone, somewhere, might be encouraged, or given new hope is simply a very powerful act. This is something that can be done again and again, spreading good within the community.
Donna believes that all of us become more alive when we give with and to others. She feels privileged to serve with the Board and is awed by the work done by the local Chapters. Donna is proud of the organization's growth and wants to serve in your community too. She would be thrilled to meet over a heart painting party!
Kristen Mattera / President of Newtown, CT Chapter
(continued from Staff and Board Page)
NEED text for Kristen. As a young 60-something, Hearts of Hope provides an opportunity to give and enjoy this process. To make a clay heart from scratch, paint your very own creation, and know that someone, somewhere, might be encouraged, or given new hope is simply a very
powerful act. This is something that can be done again and again, spreading good within the community.
I truly believe that all of us become more alive when we give with and to others. I am privileged to serve with the Board and am awed by the work done by the local Chapters. We are growing and want to serve in your community too. Let’s meet over a heart painting party!
Brittany Allen / President of Yorktown, VA Chapter
(continued from Staff and Board Page)
By October 2015, she was so inspired sdeecided to start a Chapter in Yorktown, VA. The Chapter has since painted over 400 hearts for local businesses and organizations. Some include – First Responders, The SPCA and The Natasha House.
Hearts of Hope is meaningful to Brittany because she gets to share her passion with others. There have been countless times where people called her personally to make them a heart so that they could give it to someone they know personally who was struggling or going through a rough time. Brittany is always amazed by recipients' actions when they realize what this organization really does.
Brittany is 25 years old and married. She and her husband recently purchased a Goldendoodle puppy that keeps them quite occupied. Brittany majored in Business Management in college and now works part time with her father selling Snap-on Tools to mechanics locally. She has been a part-time photographer since 2008. Photography has always been a serious passion with Brittany. When she fell in love with the Hearts of Hope organization, she was joyous to be inspired by both.
“Shine so brightly that others cannot help but be inspired by your light”